In this episode, we look at our beliefs and how they deeply affect both the choices we make in life and how we react to situations we are presented with (or that we present ourselves with).
Ep 11: The Attention, Intention, Action Cycle
This is an approach we developed to help people in our Weighless program create sustainable weight loss but this process can be applied to any change that you want to make in your life. In this episode, we explain how it works.
Continue reading “Ep 11: The Attention, Intention, Action Cycle”
Ep 10: Change is Forever
We have come to the last of the eight things we believe need to be in place in order for real, sustainable change to happen. In this episode, we are tackling the idea that there is no “finish line” to cross. Change is forever.
Ep 9: Failure is Awesome
Failure shouldn’t be something you fear and avoid at all costs. It is actually useful and perhaps even necessary to long term success.
Ep 8: Practice Makes Permanent
In this episode, we are moving down the list to #6 (of our eight key behaviors) and discussing why practice is important … and also why it may be more nuanced than you might have thought. (Hint: it’s more than just repetition).
Ep 7: Creating Your Support Strategy
Take a close look at your social circles and your home/work habitat. Do the groups you belong to embody the identity you strive for? Does your home or office reflect the identity you dream of? If not, what can you easily change or adapt to make them more aligned with your vision of your Ideal Self?
Ep 6: The Hidden Cost of Unmet Goals
When you identify something that you want to change – and then don’t take action or make progress – you start to pay a sort of psychic tax.
Ep 5: You Must Have a Plan
The power of planning (it’s not what you think)!
Continue reading “Ep 5: You Must Have a Plan”
Ep 4: The Difference Between Goals and Objectives
As Roy Disney said: “It’s not hard to make decisions once you know what your goals are.”
Goals are great markers to have along the way but they aren’t the end game. Your objective is what keeps you moving forward after you’ve achieved your goal (or even if you don’t).
Continue reading “Ep 4: The Difference Between Goals and Objectives”
Ep 3: The Importance of Curiosity
Both curiosity and openness are essential to creating lasting change. Curiosity goes hand in hand with a willingness and ability to look at thoughts, feelings, actions, outcomes.