Better habits aren’t the solution, according to this behavioral expert

Have we put habit formation on too high a pedestal?  Dr. Michelle Segar is an NIH-funded researcher who has spent close to thirty years studying how to create healthy behaviors. that can survive the complexity and unpredictability of the real world. We talk about why healthy behaviors are often particularly resistant to habit formation, and what may work better.

Things to Listen For

  • Common misconceptions about habits
  • Why complex behaviors defy habit formation
  • The unrecognized influence of memory and emotional associations in determining our behavior
  • The value of questioning assumptions
  • The limits of rationality in our decision making
  • Why building health behaviors around identity and values (rather than habit) is a better strategy.


The Joy Choice: How to Finally Achieve Lasting Changes in Eating and Exercise, by Michelle Segar, PhD

It’s Time to Unhabit, by Michelle Segar (American Journal of Health Promotion)

The 50,000 Mile Tune-Up

Weighless Program

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