The power of planning (it’s not what you think)!
Continue reading “Ep 5: You Must Have a Plan”
Ep 4: The Difference Between Goals and Objectives
As Roy Disney said: “It’s not hard to make decisions once you know what your goals are.”
Goals are great markers to have along the way but they aren’t the end game. Your objective is what keeps you moving forward after you’ve achieved your goal (or even if you don’t).
Continue reading “Ep 4: The Difference Between Goals and Objectives”
Ep 3: The Importance of Curiosity
Both curiosity and openness are essential to creating lasting change. Curiosity goes hand in hand with a willingness and ability to look at thoughts, feelings, actions, outcomes.
Ep 2: A Compelling Reason
Last episode, we outlined the 8 things we believe to be essential for creating sustainable change and in this episode we’re going to take a closer look at the first one on our list: A Reason.
Ep 1: Eight Things to Make Changes that Last
The eight things you need to make any change become lasting and sustainable, in our opinion, are: A reason, Curiosity, An objective, A Plan, Support, Practice, Failure, and Forever.
Continue reading “Ep 1: Eight Things to Make Changes that Last”