Should you walk away or double down? How to know.

If you feel like your progress (or your motivation) has stalled, you have options. You can redouble your efforts. You can take an entirely different approach. Or, you might even decide to walk away. In this episode, we’ll talk about figuring out which route serves you best. 

Key Takeaways

  1. Taking a break can help protect the quality of our work, create space for creative insights, and ensure that we’re using our time and energy in the most meaningful way.
  2. The urge to step away can sometimes be a form of avoidance. When something feels hard or tedious, pushing through may be the key to progress. The challenge is knowing when persistence serves us and when it doesn’t.
  3. Just because something was valuable or necessary in the past doesn’t mean it still is. We can get stuck in commitments out of habit, sunk costs, or fear of change. It’s important to ask: Would I choose this again today?
  4. Unplanned breaks can still serve us. When life forces us to pause, we can reframe it as an opportunity for reflection, skill-building, or re-evaluating our direction. 
  5. Clarity comes from asking the right questions. 

Reflection Questions

  1. What would taking a break or stepping back make possible? Would you use that freed-up time and energy to do something else that is important and meaningful to you? 
  2. Are there clear benefits to continuing? Are you willing to give those up, or would you regret it?
  3. Are you seeing the results you had hoped to see? If not, why not?
  4. Might you be better off pursuing the same goal but in a different way? 
  5. Is this goal still meaningful to you?
  6. Am I continuing in this effort because it still makes sense, or because I’m having trouble cutting bait on the time or effort I’ve already invested? 
  7. Has my objective changed? Is this goal still aligned with my current objective?
  8. If I were starting from scratch today, would I still commit to this?


Ep 488 of the What Works podcast with Tara McMullin

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