50K Tuneup: Alignment

In part 7 of our 50,000 Mile Tuneup series, we are checking our alignment to be sure that the choices we are making are steering us in the desired direction. 

If our daily choices and actions are badly out of alignment with our goals, we are literally working against ourselves. We’re likely to be frustrated by a lack of progress. We may also be putting extra unnecessary stress on other parts of our lives. 


In order to reach our destination (or realize our goals) our actions need to be in alignment with those goals and values.

Auditing how we spend our time can reveal mismatches between what’s important to us and how we’re actually spending our time.

Whether we choose to adjust our priorities or our actions, bringing them into alignment will make us happier and more successful. 

We don’t need to be in “perfect” alignment to have highly functional and satisfying lives.

Lab Experiment

Note:  You’ll need your worksheet from our work on the Navigation system to complete these exercise–and we’ll be using this worksheet again later in the series, so hang on to it!

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